Saturday, 20 April 2013

My goal in life

I think 2013 is a goal achievement year. This year alone, there were 3 courses / seminars / talks related to setting up goals that I have attended. In one of the courses I attended, it was mentioned that successful people create and pursue goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.  They know what they want to achieve in life and why they want to achieve it.  Identifying SMART goals which are relevant to you motivates you to figure out the various ways in which you can attain them.

The first seminar that I attended was facilitated by the famous Dr. Azizan Osman. I attended the seminar with my office room mate and my sister in law. In his talk, he asked us to write down our goals in a postcard and informed our partner sitting next to us about that goals. He then asked us to post that goals to ourselves. But still, I didn't post the postcard, because I still think that there is still a gap on how to achieve that goal. Maybe because I am still looking for a mentor. He did mention that to be successful, we need to have a mentor. Or maybe that is just an excused. :-)     

Then recently, I was lucky to be chosen as one of the participants in a course entitled Developing a High Performance Mindset. It was a 2 days course and the facilitator was Mr. Jeevan N. Sahadevan who had won a few awards on coaching. After attended this course, I felt that I really need to set my goal in life. It was a turning point for me. I don't know how many more years I have in this life to be able to achieve what I wanted. He said during the course that, what is important is our future, our remaining years in this world. We cannot change our history but we can change our future. For all these years, I never set up and write down any specific goals that I wanted to achieve. I only dream, that some day I would be able to so and so. By end of the year, I almost forgotten what I wanted in the early year. There were no tools to measure my achievement.

So, with the knowledge from the above course, in early April 2013, I started to brainstorm my specific goals for 2013, based on the following criteria:
  • Business / Job 
  • Financial 
  • Physical 
  • Mental 
  • Family 
  • Relationship 
  • Spiritual 
  • Lifestyle
Hopefully by end of April, I will be able to measure my performance to achieve the goals that I had drawn. How many percentage I have achieved within this 1 month, and so forth for the coming month until end of the year. Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. Hari ni hari untuk review my goal, berapa % dah tercapai.....
